Cheat Sheet to the Legal Contracts You Need to Grow & Scale Your Business
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Here at Dotted Lines, we carefully c...
Navigating Legal Contracts as a Nutritionist: What You Need to Know About Group Coaching Agreements
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In this blog post, we are going to c...
The Importance of Terms of Use for Your Online Course or Membership: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Them!
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Online courses are a powerful tool t...
How to Grow Your Health Coaching or Nutrition Business Using Attorney-Drafted Legal Contracts
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The importance of having attorney-dr...
How Do I Figure Out What In the Heck to Name My Business (Legally)?
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Starting your own business can be thrilling and pi...
Why is Scope of Practice Important For Health, Wellness, & Nutrition Practitioners?
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If you provide information, advice, services, or c...
Piercing the Corporate Veil - Why It May Be As Scary as it Sounds
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Have you ever heard anyone talk about “Piercing th...
Mitigating Risk as a Business Owner - Your "Must Know" Tips
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Health and wellness professionals, such as health ...
Why Every Entrepreneur Needs A Legal Entity
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Imagine this… you have recently completed your cou...